Thursday, March 15, 2012

That was a close call!

There's nothing like having to re-do work when you're playing beat the clock everyday.

That's what almost happened tome today.

I went into our publishing system to call up a story a had worked on yesterday to put the finishing touches on it and move on to something else. What I see instead of my nearly finished story was some rough notes.

Did I not save before logging off?

That would unusual. I've become a compulsive saver - all it takes is losing a story or two to get into that habit. Before panicking and going into meltdown mode, I looked at the other files I worked on late yesterday and eventually found the missing story where a letter to the editor was supposed to be.

I have no idea how that happened and I don't really care! The letter was archived in my email (how I love the way email helps keep things organized and facilities my work flow, not to mention eliminating the need to re-type submissions to the paper like we had to do back in the day) and I found it in about 10 seconds.

Having to-rewrite most of a story from scratch would have ruined my day and then some.

(p.s.) I just spell checked like I always do before posting and there was not one misspelled word. Things like that make me happy.

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